Summer Reading Challenge Champions
Baptism of the Lord
Summer Reading Challenge Champions
Baptism of the Lord
Summer Reading Challenge Champions
Baptism of the Lord
Summer Reading Challenge Champions
Baptism of the Lord
Summer Reading Challenge Champions
Baptism of the Lord
Welcome back!
Summer Reading Challenge Champions
Baptism of the Lord
Summer Reading Challenge Champions
The children at St James the Great Catholic Primary School were thrilled to learn they had secured the Summer Reading Challenge Trophy for the second consecutive year.
Organised by Southwark Libraries, this event encourages children to read at least six books during the summer break. The school provided the highest number of participants and also the highest number of successful completions in the borough. The trophies are proudly displayed in the school library!
Baptism of the Lord
In Church this Sunday we celebrate a special feast, the Baptism of the Lord. The new year presents an opportunity to remember and discover the blessings received at Baptism.
In the Gospel, Jesus begins His mission to the world when the Holy Spirit comes down upon Him, the same Spirit we receive through Baptism and Confirmation. Pope Francis reminds us that “Faith is a gift which we receive in Baptism and which allows us to encounter God.” Jesus came for everyone, to draw us all into His family so that we can become more like Him and joyfully share in God’s own life.
A word from Pope Francis: “Baptism gives strength and it gives light.”