Thank you to all the parents & carers who made sure that our pupils returned to school with the appropriate school uniform and hairstyle. Hairstyles: A gentle reminder that hairstyle…
It has been an immense pleasure to welcome back both our children and families on Tuesday! We hope that, with God’s help, it will be another exciting and fruitful year!…
In this Sunday Gospel, Jesus sends out his friends on an urgent mission with the instruction to heal and to share his message with all who will listen. He wants…
Nursery continues to learn all about the forest! On Tuesday the children went out on an adventure in Sydenham Hill Wood & Cox Walk. Thank you to all the parents…
What an amazing evening we had on Tuesday at the ‘Queen Elizabeth Hall’ at Southbank Centre! The children sang and danced beautifully! We are all so very proud of them! Thank…
On 29th June the Church celebrates the feast day of two great saints, Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Peter and Paul were both friends of Jesus, but their lives were…
Marking recent celebrations of our First Holy Communion children, the feast of Corpus Christi and June being the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We held a very special…
In our Catholic tradition, June is the month devoted to the ‘Most Sacred Heart of Jesus’ and Saturday 8th June is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The…
Year 6 went to the British Museum on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 to see some real Mayan artefacts to compliment their learning in History this term. They saw bows and…
On Monday, the Year 6 students came into school in outfits representing their different cultures. This children were eager to do this after their learning in R.E about Pentecost. As…